Learn to Skate
Why sign up for CanSkate?
Sungod Skating Club’s CanSkate program provides kids in Delta and the Lower Mainland with beginner skating lessons. This dynamic learn-to-skate program focuses on fun, participation and basic skill development. Based on Sport Canada’s long term athlete development (LTAD) principles, CanSkate teaches kids ice skating by centering on physical literacy and the fundamental skills needed to take part in any ice sport or to skate as a recreational activity.
CanSkate - Canada's flagship learn-to-skate program
Sungod Skating Club - CanSkate

Who’s it for?
3+ years
Who teaches it?
NCCP-trained professional coaches, assisted by trained program assistants.
What will you learn?
Basics of skating
Balance, control, and agility skills
What do you need to participate?
CSA approved hockey helmet
Long pants, mittens, sweater, and jacket (Dress in layers - you’ll get warm!)
*Please note that rentals available at no additional cost!